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What makes you say that ?
No not really, I'm happy with my relationship with mel :).
Haha I know if him don't really know his personality too well though.
My mother ****ing nigga
I was just joking at first and then him and murph started cooking together :(
Mel Chelsea Paige Tayla venske **** I can't think of anyone else at the moment but I know there's more a
Chur ow sole uce
1. Being born 2. Meeting mel 3. My first Big Mac. 4. The moment I relised I could okay guitar and I was good at it 5. The time me and the boys bonded at duas
The majority of girls at emc are nice looking :)
I don't talk to much year 8s so wouldn't know
Don't really have any
Me I'm the hottest year 10s
Ayden Collins Dylan krone zac andrewartha Anniek walker, lillie rose brown Brooke bartrop Taylor field Taylor ostrom tiahnee Ellis Kate burnham
I seen you creepin
You're cute baby I love you princess
Look I really have no clue why boys do it. Maybe to get *ex and once they get they find someone new to have *ex with and so on. And the only way by doing this with a good girl is to pretend to care. That's partially why I think, in my opinion most girls are ****s these days
I highly agree with you, it's just wrong. But I'm not going to say I haven't dont because apparently I have. It's horrible
Chur ow sully g
dont swear at me get outside now.
Being so young i wouldnt want to keep him/her, but if i was older i wouldnt mind.
i dont really have much close girl friends from emc tbh
Thank you (:
I could never do that to her, ever. No matter what state I'm in never ever. I don't see the point in losing possibly the best person in my life for a one night fling.
Omg are you like for serious
Thanks buddy
Lovely girl great personality and pretty
Yeh I don't have a reason not to like him
I don't have a favourite thing about her. Everything is just perfect about her even if she Dosent see it.
Most of them
Me miss u :(
Ya mummmmm
Why can't it be white you racist f***
Hahahaha sounds like haiden
Frankston high pretty much sums it up
Ya mum heheheheh
Sam pickess...
Thanks xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxxxxxxo
Great personality, attractive and all round great girl :)
f*** your face
I was bored I need entertainment and p*rns not cutting it
What's se*
Ever seen my Dic* in your a*s
Don't know who too well, very nice though and great singer!, very pretty
Thanks buuuudyyy :)
Imagine things ever invented in the world, put them all together and that's mel. She's perfect
Both sick ****ss