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Dunno, it's a bit early yet.
How about no? ;)
4,800 and something.
was once a cool kid.
55 years.
Hagrid my little ray of sunshine! Words cannot describe how much i love you, you're the funniest lad, your sense humour can't be beaten. You're awesome to be around, your presence makes my day. You have a lovely personality and you are a very caring person! You're super duper attractive omfg but snapchat says otherwise. ;) You have the best body! You have a cute smile that should be used more often because it suits you! You're the greatest person. So much love for youuuu Hagrid. xxxx
Of course, no matter if you don't have a house, money or are less fortunate then others that doesn't mean you shouldn't be revived or even attempted to be, we are all as important as each other and we all deserve a chance. :)
Inbox meeeee then.
I'm still pretty addicting tbh.
Samantha, Harmony, Matilda, Chelsea annnd Taylor.
I think Tayla Bogle would have to be the gayest looking person I've ever seen but i love the *exy babe. xx
Jks bby, ily loads. Ex oh ex.
Nah you smell. ;)
Hmm Laura, Eliza, Tayla, Matt, Will, Chloe, Taylah, Lauren, Madison, Ellie and heaps of others.
Harmony is such a lovely person. She's very kind and funny plus she has her fare share of blonde moments. Very very attractive, has a really good body. She doesn't mind a good joke, has too many insults tho. haha. She's very down to earth and easy to talk to. I love talking to her and having her as a friend because she's such a good one. We have had our ups and downs but we've worked through them and come out on top. I'm so glad we met and became friends because she's one of my closest friends and I don't know what I'd do without her tbh. Love you harmony! xxxx
Bethany is a little terd tbh. Nah she's funny, very kind to me always and she is a bit of a cutie. *exy looking thing she is, has a good personality and is good to talk to, down to earth and loves a joke. If you're a boy I suggest you get onto her or even if you're a girl, doesn't matter for her, she likes both *exes. Ily Beth, don't stop being a little terd. xx
Why didn't you create a world without humans?
Matilda you're awesome! You're so funny and don't mind being bagged out because you sure can hang **** on someone. You are really attractive, have rad legs. I can trust you with so much and have told you so much. You're one of my best friends even though we don't see each much. We get along so well and i could talk to you forever, you're so down to earth and loveable. Love you lots Tilly! xxxx
Matilda is a tossa. ;)
Gemma is a pretty funny lad, she's great to talk to and have a joke with. Laughs at just about anything, she's attractive too. Wouldn't mine talking more. :)
Oh Beffy. You're so caring and nice, you're awesome to talk to, I love talking to you but you always have a comeback for everything so it's unfair. ;) you are really funny and how a rad personality. Attractive too! I'm always here for chat if ever you need one. Ily. xxx
Fergus I could write a novel on you. xx You give the most exciting piggyback rides. ;) you should make money off them. Your face is sxc, like your legs and your bod and just you in general tbh. Haha. I'm pretty tired soz. You're probably asleep because you're a fkn bear, you hibernate everyday of the year. Can you not sleep for just a second of the day? If you're not sleeping you're pretending too. Haha and then if.. IF you're awake you complain about being tired. Ffs. You're a super funny person and have a mad sense of humour, I only have to look at you and you giggle soooo I'm pretty sure my face is fkd and I'm self conscious thanks to you. You're such a bully and you don't know how to get out of someone's way when they are walking. Clearly no respect for me. ;) ah you're a top friend, love everything about you, I wouldn't change a thing and I sure wouldn't ask for a better friend. xxxxx ps. I'm still working on getting us this prezzie. I still need to get a fkn card. Christ sake. It's taking forever. Oh and I hope a spider crawls into your bed and has babies in your ears and I hope a massive swarm of moths come in and attack you. Oh and you need to grow longer legs because you walk too slow. You have to run to keep up with everyone. ;) love you lots bby. So much repsect for you and I'll be here when ever you need to chat. ex oh ex. Mwah. You gaylord. xxxxx
Anytime, it came from the deepest and most meaningful part of my heart. ;)
No words describe my love for you and how you look and how lovely you are. I love you and always will tbh, I'll always be here for you when you need. Your dimples are the cutest too, but my hole is better. ;) hahahaha. You're my fav little person. xxxxxxxx
As a friend yes. :)
Chelsea bby. I don't even know what to say, you leave me speechless. ;) you're the best pal ever, you know how to make me laugh and smile the most. You're so good to talk to, I could talk forever. You are so damn stunning and you have the cutest smile. You have a radical sense of humour and personality. You're an amazing person in general and I love you lots, like the other night I was matching stars with a reason why I love you, I was going alright until I ran out of stars. ;) know your movie quotes too well also. Haha. Ily 4 eva. xxxx
Ahh not in order but, Taylor Ferguson. Leila Brear. Paige Brookes. Zoe Newton. Georgia Lowe. Shannon Hawkins. Abby Charleston. Tayla Campbell. Olivia Nunn. Skye Collison.
Bloody brilliant thanks to Nicky G.
Ew you smell. ;) Nah you're so awesome, you're so happy all the time and you're a joy to be around, you're great at sharing the happiness and your smile just lightens up everyone's day. :P you're super funny and really attractive. I love you Paigey. xx
I'm not tuning anyone and don't have a thing with anyone. Plz cange that. xx
Make up because it's gross.
I'm interested in you too. Inbox me. xx
Why are you so interested?
The *exiest girl alive.
I did it the other day. x
Probs loving someone that doesn't love you back but believing they will. That's pretty sad.
Nah but you can change that.
boo*s. boo*s. boo*s. ;) You are so hilarious, I love your jokes. Your smile lightens up my day. You have a mad personality and you're so so attractive, best body! You have pretty eyes, you're down to earth and awesome to talk to, I feel as tho I could talk to you forever. You're an all round fabulous person and I love you. 4 eva and eva. xxxx
Nope. Plz change that. xx
Rachel Fletcher is a really kind person, she's awesome to talk to and great to be around, she packs a pretty mean punch ;) she has a cute laugh and a really pretty smile. She's funny with a rad personality. Majority of the time she's busy bullying me and beating me up, I only love her when she's kinds so I don't love her often. ;) Rakel iz da best. xxxx
Cheyney haven't seen you in yonks! I'm missing you, we used to be pretty radical friends until something happened. Haha. It would be awesome if we could get that back! You're really funny and you're bloody gorgeous, you say and do some pretty dumb things sometimes. ;) you're a lovely person to be around and great to talk to! Good hockey player too, you're funny to watch thanks to Chelsea. ;) hahaha.
Befffy you're such a darling. You're so nice to me and you're super funny! You have an awesome sense of humour and you're really attractive! Would love to get to know you better! xxx
Tayla yo *exayy thang. You're radical, send some pretty cute snaps. ;) you're really funny, attractive too and have a cute smile. I'd love to get to know you better and become closer! Got to catch up soon and have some fun! xx
Brookey i miss you so much! :( we had the best friendship and we were super close. I'd love for that back! You are such a babe, your company is the best and your laugh is so good. You're stunning and you have a rad personality! We have to catch up really soon, I miss you loads and I owe you something from ages ago. I love you heaps and I trust you lots. Oh and it's your turn to walk me home. ;) xxx
I don't think she likes me all that much, she seems to busy with other people, she doesn't talk to me really. I don't blame her tho, it's only me. But other then that she's actually the best person I've met, she's super funny and really attractive she had a pretty smile and a good sense of humour! I'd love to get to know her more and become closer, she needs to speak up tho! She's my fav. xx
Laura you're a really fabulous person, you make me smile when I don't feel like it. You're a good person to be around and you're easy to talk to, fab personality and sense of humour, you laugh at my lame jokes so that's good. ;) You're really attractive and a good bod. Haven't seen you in a while, need to catch up on a few things. Haha. Love ya. xxx
Sarah you smell and no one likes you. ;) Nah you're awesome, you're a great friend and you know how to make me and everyone smile, you sure know how to liven up any place you go to with that smile of yours! You have a radical personality and you're an all round mad person! Ily. xx
Tilly is the bomb. I love her to bits! She's an awesome friend and person, she super funny but has lame jokes, ;) she can take a joke and can defiantly give them. Has a rad sense of humour and personality. I can truth tillz with anything and everything, I truth her with my life tbh. Love you tillz. xxx
omg hey babe.