What do you love the most?
sam :*
The thing you want the most this Xmas?
A lie you told today?
I dont loath school with every single fibre of my entire being
Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?
tbh suicide room always makes me cry
i hve a crush on u
gettin' real tired of your shi* tbh
lol ur hater left u
A shame I'm shattered
ur like my main nigga
cheers ****
come get high with me
ye ok when m8
You know waht? i hope u are one of the 40 seconds. Because ur nothing but filth and a rotting bag of s***.
u can kill urself now because there is no way anyone will ever love you. also, not that u could but never have children. no one deserves to look as ugly as u
Oh look. You\'re back.
aw :( So no hugs for me?
no eff off
God dammit Holley I though it was someone being cute eff u
I'm older than you, you judge me
Why would I judge you fro being older than me...? Is this?
In too embarras*ed and shy to say anything to you
aw no man, don't be :c I'll talk to you c:
I actually find you so beautiful, seriously! Your so pretty
who dis and why are we not talking rn
thoughts on amy prattico?
I love Amy to bits jfc she is one of my best friends and I would do anything for her omfg <3
thoughts on Joe Cox?
Joeeeee omfg I love Joe okay he is so nice and great to talk to! He\'s funny but he\'s really good at making me look stupid like when he flicks my nose ahahhahaha :) People should be nicer to Joe okay yes. Oh and yeah, green is not a creative colour.
Heyy you are one hawt stunner and i love you. dont listen to those ****s okay cuz you are f***ing perfect!
ty :)
What do you think of adam mendum?
Aw I love Adam aw :\') he\'s a qt and really nice and his hair is fab <3
****s. leave her alone. shi* ****s that would say shi* like that deserve shi*. f***ing dumb ****s.
youre amazing. youre stressing me. i know we dont talk anymore, but i couldnt live with myself if u were dead, and i did nothing about it. please be safe, youre perfect.
Who is this?
u'r seriously stressing me. and dont want u dead.dont let these f***heds bring u down cause ur perfectamazing,and like good music ur hilirious,and great i couldnt live with myself if i knew u were dead, and i didnt do anything about. please be safe,
Sorry, I didn\'t mean to upset you.
: ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eF1f0ficW3E
This is Holley is\'nt it ahahha
decided how you're gonna kill ur self yet orr
Oh yeah I decided I\'d let this one person on the internet send me so much hate and then I would let it get to me so then I\'d go drink bleach or something bc uno dats how dah interwebz roll yolo swag
No but seriously, I laugh at a lot of the things you say, keep it coming :)
hahahahahahaha ur love life is a failure ur going to be alone forever hahahahahahahahahaha
Um xcuse, Oli and I have been dating for like, a thousand years woops
ur a shi* ****
But I\'m a great Dic*, so it\'s okay :)
your a piece of shi* try not to slip on your own blood f***head
I\'ll f***ing drown you in it, don\'t worry.
guess whos back you **** nugget
oh no not you oh damn shame
i will f***ing kill anyone who tells jess to kill herself or give her hate because she is a f***ing amazing person, she is soooo kind so dont f*** with jess or your f***ED - callum, this was longer and went in more depth but i had to delete some f***ing words
Callum I love you okay thank you aw you're fkn gr9
You are amazing! I've known you since primary school and you're a f***ing trooper. Keep it up, woman, you're amazing. c:
Who is this aw I love you aw aw aw
kill yourself
I'll make a deal with you. If I don't see the new episode of Supernatural today, I'll jump in front of a bus and see what happens. If I live, You get to tell me to kill myself again, and I still wont care, but if I die, everyone will know you did it :) sound good?
Hahaha well you know approximately where I live.. just need to catch a plane! haha
Omfg is this Zach or Josh? Or someone else? OR HOLLEY?
You are such an amazing person you May not believe me but you are. You have such a great music taste. Dont worry about what people say about you your f***ing awesome you great the way you are im glad your one of my best friends itsCallum
I actually love you and you dont know who i am but we should totally go out i love your blog on tumblr too and i love peirce the veil and Omg Oliver Sykes :$
omfg who are you we need to talk wow okay can we please just wow let me talk to you omfg
thoughts on your ugly sister x0x0 luv u lyk lul ~ kitkatwatfu caitlyn.brady
I don't have an ugly sister hawkward 4 x0x0 fgt 3<
Holley f*** off you as*butt I will find you <3
I think you're weird, crazy and over excited. But then again, that's why I love you. :D
And this is why we're friends c:
I want to f*** you.....in the butt kay??
How do I even answer this omg um hi
you're beautiful okay <3
Same with you, <3 Stay gold :)
I love you 'cause ya vegetarian :D x
Ahaha, aw thank you? ahah :')
I think I might die, at how absolutely hot he is going to end up hahaha
TO THE OTHER PEOPLE READING THIS, do not ask. Please, don't ask. E V E R.
Seriously, ask and you shall receive. You won't want it.
I cant wait to see what he looks like when he gets older.. oh my god. ahahahahaha
You can just see it now, he's going to be hot as f***
Haha but wouldn't that hurt Misha? Misha's my bby! Plus he'd have to bring West. CUTEST KID ALIVE.
Ugh West you is gon pull sah many Bit**ez
Of cause I'll bring them! WHY WOULDN'T I?! But I may get distracted by Misha.. hahaha oh and the holy fire. I'd like to see them escape that.
Ahahahah, omfg okay if Misha refuses put him in a box and set in on holy fie then bring him and put angel proofing sigils everywhere okay yes because everyone knows he is actually an "angel of the lord"
haters be hating... I'll jump through my tv, get the colt and kill their sorry as*es. So watch out haters, or your gonna get a swift lot of BAM in your face. love you Jess :D I'm sure you've already figured out who this is ;)
Omfg Holley you're perfect omfg don't forget the holy fire okay. Omfg bring Jared, Jensen and Misha too okay yes good luv u xoxo
you're kind and just perfection, don't listen to these haters, they're not worth it :) <3
You too, beautiful <3
you're so pretty love you jess xx
I love you too, you beautiful little shi* <3 stay golden okay?
you're beautiful
So are you, hun. <3
i love you
I love you to <3 Stay gold
everyone f*** off, grow a pair of balls and say it to her face you Dic*heads. What a bunch of low lifes..
Enjoying your morning serve of hatred? I see they got up early to give it to you. Sort of like breakfast in bed?
I think so too aha
your fat as loos weight you f**
You're *
"fat as ,"*
"loos weight,"*
Try again
f*** you go die
One day..
This is the first time online I've received hate, like having this thing. It's interesting to know I have people out there who dislike me, considering I'm told a lot that I am a beautiful personality to be around.
(Yes this is Jess) 515808
leave her the f*** alone, shes beautiful <3
Thanks heaps man, really appreciated <3
dear person hating on Jess, inbox me, Emily duke. I'll f***ing deal with you. dukeeeeeeee
Thanks Em, I f***ing love you man :')
dont think the hate will ever leave u, because its always gonna be there just waiting for u, sitting there and waiting til ur at ur weakest and then it will hit u as hard as the concrete u will land on when you take the swan dive off a building.
Okay. Whoever sent me this, be warned. I have friends. I have people who love me. And if it weren\'t for them, I probably would take the swan dive. But I love them as much as they love me, probably more.
nI hope for your sake that you have people who love you and have people you care about, because from as far as I can see you\'re the one who may end up taking the swan dive.
nAnd I feel sorry for you.
nAlso, you should probably pay ore attention in school because your English and grammar s*ck as*.
hahaha your new dp is hipster just like the comments say u fat ignorant **** get lost *****
This is Bailey, isn't it? I thought I told you to look up the definition of 'ignorant'. It doesn't mean un-caring, it means un-knowledgeable. Meaning, if you're ignorant about something, you don't fully understand it to the point where you should.
Irony isn't it?
ur fat just sayin
I'm glad you're not blind :)
no one likes you lol
Actually, as surprising as it may be, there are a lot of people who like me :) So shove that in your pipe and smoke it <3
Oliver Sykes
my bby omg <3
You're perfect Jess, don't listen to these twats.
<3 you too anon ^.^
wow whoever this hater is, you can f*** right off, if i find out who you are, be prepared to have a face on you like a pitbull, you little pathetic twat, who the f*** do you think you are? dukeeeeeeee
mah gahd I love this, thanks man <3
Leave her the f*** alone, I will beat you up ok
tanks m8
If you don't like the hate, why no just delete your account?
I'm in the sas*y-Bit** mood
vegeterien piece of shi* kill yourself
only when you learn how to spell *vegetarian
your getting hate and you didnt call the cops pathetic lying waste of shi* go neck yourself ****
oh my god your annoyin f*** off and die ****
And that is exactly my point.
you did so force us here
I'm sorry, I don't recall holding a gun to your head saying if you didn't open this webpage that I would blow your brains out...
You just are a **** now f*** off an eave everyone alone
You're on my qooh remember? I never forced you on here.
no because you're just a ****
What makes me a ****?
f*** you man
Why? Because I'm right?
Now you're just being a ****.
So expressing my opinion makes me a ****? Telling someone why I don\'t give haters what they want makes me a ****? Nah mate, f*** you. You\'re the ****.
when people sent you hate all you did was agree or appologiz
You think that's cowardly? Look mate, If I gave them any more of a reaction, I would have given them more and more reason to f*** with me. If I keep it simple, no one cares because they get bored and move on.
You're a coward, you know
What did I do that was so cowardly?
u cant find me so i can hate you as much as I want!
Wow, okay then. Go ahead if you don't have anything productive to do -.- f***ing moron.
You don't know who I am
That's the idea of being on anonymous, yes.
You're a liar
What did I lie about?
jeeessss I luvs you so people who hate don't matter cause I luvs ya :3 btw thoughts on jordyn waters :D k go
Ahahah, I love you too man.
Ugh Jordyn. Man I love that guy, seriously, he is actually so great to be around! He can scream and growl really well too. I love him omg <3 One of the best friends everrr
I want to send you hate but you'll get the cops f*** you took all the fun out of it
Are you kidding or were you paid to say this? You think it's fin to send hate to someone? Please by all means, inbox me your hate. I would LOVE to know what I did to piss you off do badly.
No offence but having an anonymous messaging site is an open invitation for people to be ****s.. its just not worth it
Nah I know. I just advertise this anyway because sometimes people can be nice, and that's why I have a bit of faith in humanity :)
Goize piss off with the hate :(
Thanks <3
I dislike your dp on facebook
Here, have a gold medal to show you all the f***s that I don't give :D
Who would you f***?
Oliver Sykes and Jared Padalecki. There I said it.
You asked for hate and you got it. Why are you upset about it?
I asked for it once, being sarcastic. Even if I did get hate I defiantly didn't expect it to get as bad as it did.
To all of Jess' haters: Please f*** off. The only people that should kill themselves are you guys. Go do something better with your life than insult someone over the internet. - Gracia. :3
Thank you Gracia, omg I luff u <3
I luff yu.
I love you too, <3
hahaha those haters are f***ed now!
Yes, yes they are :)
ugh emo f*** your music is terrible go cut yourself
I'm starting to think that there is just the one person sending me the same hate.
Top 10 favourite bands in order ok GO
Bring Me The Horizon, Paramore, Memphis May Fire, Asking Alexandria, Suicide Silence, Linkin Park, Sleeping with Sirens, Pierce the Veil, Of Mice
because we know it's working duh f***face
Go eat another piece of cake you fat *****
Why do you even bother sending me this shi*?