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371 Replies

If you knew you could not fail ,what would you do?

try out for tonnes of movies, bunjy jump, do stuff i woulf think i would fall and die, skydive, punch someone in the face so hard they die (i have that effect on people) and not get expelled or locked up, i'd do everything in the world coz i wouldn't fail! xo

__adele17__ replied 4203 days ago

What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?

got no idea

__adele17__ replied 4205 days ago

3 things that attracts you to a person?

personality, smell and sometimes looks :)

__adele17__ replied 4208 days ago

Ever had a crush on a friend if yes ,who was it ?

yah, everyone knows, but i donut like him no more :)

__adele17__ replied 4221 days ago

love you too, always here for ya zebd :) kaitlindrozario

xoxoxoxoxoxooxxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoox couldn't ask for a better bestfriend! xoxoxooxxooxxooxoxoxxooxoxox

__adele17__ replied 4223 days ago

Everyone stop Bit**ing about Adele and get a life because clearly you can't be to happy about yours if you keep trying to ruin hers ! x grace_corvo

^^^^^^love you grace! xo

__adele17__ replied 4224 days ago

Is it possible to escape the friendzone ?Give a reason for your answer

yes, coz there's always 2nd chances with people :)

__adele17__ replied 4224 days ago

leave her alone, for god sake peoples she obviously doesnt care abt the s*** you're talking abt. seriously it aint getting to her personally. just give up already! kaitlindrozario

love you kaity! xo

__adele17__ replied 4224 days ago

Hey I love her, guess that's not everyone you Dic* ahha Leeshaa13

^^ :* love you leesha

__adele17__ replied 4224 days ago

You are do stuck up and everyone hates you

so* BAHAHAHAHAHAH! that's nice isn't it?

__adele17__ replied 4225 days ago

Thoughts on James Faranda

nice kid, don't really know and want to get to know him better, funny! xo

__adele17__ replied 4226 days ago

thoughts on me? daylebrown

your really pretty and nice, but we've drifted heaps and we don't talk at school really, but want to get back to our past friendship!:(

__adele17__ replied 4226 days ago

Thought on emily galea

emily! your like the funniest person, it's so funny when you talk to me/people/teachers, your hilarious, it's funny when you forget your name and you're like the prettiest person ever and like a sister to me! ily so much em! p.s, did you ever hit your head on the roof at dancing :-)

__adele17__ replied 4226 days ago

Whoevers sending things in about MY family, deal with me instead of Adele, you wanna say things about them, come off anonymous and we'll see how safe you feel then Leeshaa13

i know, it's amazing how rude people are these days! people have alot of problems!!!!!!!! love you leesha!

__adele17__ replied 4227 days ago

Iphone vs Android and reason for your choice?

iPhone! coz it's the best and i dunno what an android is :D

__adele17__ replied 4227 days ago