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Got a question to ask? Shoot right away ^_^

193 Replies

Got them today. And no, don't ask me to reveal anything from the report card. Because I won't. :P
All the best for your Weekly Tests, and SATs. :)

Hahaha, I won\'t obviously, atleast not here. :P
Plus what is done is done, no point asking. :D

Thank you. :)

askSume replied 4333 days ago

Forget knowing what lies beyond the Earth, they do not even know their neighbours. :P
And as my English teacher rightly said today, we do not know ourselves completely either. ._.
Mr. Fantastic displays elastic properties, not plastic ones. :P

Yeah, that. :P
Typing error hogaya. :P

Btw, got your report cards?

askSume replied 4338 days ago

Derive the formula for electric field due to a point charge.
Value based: do you think human beings are insignificant point mas*es when compared to the universe? If so, why?

Go refer to Annie ma'am's notes. :P
She teaches you yeah?

Yes, I do believe so. This is because humans think they have conquered the world, but they don't even know what lies beyond the boundaries of the earth and the solar system. The universe is constantly increasing in size as it keeps moving further apart, whereas we humans remain the same in size as we exhibit plastic properties. Plus, only one person shows these plastic properties. Mr. Fantastic. B|
Heard of him? :P

askSume replied 4343 days ago 1

I'm fine.
12th weird. Can't really express how it all is. :P
I miss talking to you about how horrible Chem was, and the most random topics like the colour of curtains. :P

Hahaha, I know naa? 12th is just different in a way. :O

Aaaw :')
We'll talk sometime soon, but that's after I re-activate. :P

Colour of curtains? We really talked about this? :"P

askSume replied 4344 days ago 1

Do you lie? If yes, how frequently/rarely?

No, never. :O

And that was a lie^
Everyone lies at some point in their life don't they? So do I, but it's very rare. Honesty is the best policy (Y)

askSume replied 4344 days ago 1

Which is the last book you've read? Write a small review on it.

Xam Idea, Physics :P

Review: is a consolidated effort of varied educationists to provide students with a wide ranging support that caters to crunch-time preparation before exams, but also to provide step-by-step learning for a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter.

Okay, lol. Ignore^
I haven't read any book in the past 4-5 months. The last book I read was 'Mark of Athena', and it was amaaazing. <3

askSume replied 4344 days ago 1

One sells watches, and the other watches cells.
Sorry. xD

How have you been? How is SAT preparation going? :)

Hahaha, LOL. :\')

I\'m doing great, you tell?
SAT\'s just dancing. :P

askSume replied 4346 days ago

What's the difference between a watch maker and a jailor?

A watch maker and a jailor? O.o
I don\'t know. Tell me? :P

askSume replied 4347 days ago

Additional hint: the word has four letters.

Couldn't guess?

The word is "fool", 'f' being the first letter of 'first' and also the word's first word. Similar for 'l'. Nothing is denoted by the two o's. Pushkar

Now it makes sense :O

askSume replied 4352 days ago 1

The first is the first of the first.
The last is the first of the last.
And there is nothing in between.
Guess the word? xD

Umm, first is the first, and last is also the first, and there is nothing in between? o.o

Blah, there is nothing like this. :P

askSume replied 4352 days ago 1

The Mickey mouse question was a general knowledge one. xD
Yup, the other half. B|

Oh, my bad. :P

askSume replied 4352 days ago

Montimer Mouse :)

What looks like half a cat?

I don't get it. :/

The other half? B|

askSume replied 4353 days ago

Haha, nice, but as I said, it wasn't supposed to be logical.
The answer is: a garbage truck. xD
Got the "flies" connection? Pushkar

Oh, yeaaah. LOL :')

askSume replied 4353 days ago 1

What was Mickey Mouse's name before he was named so?

I don\'t know :O

askSume replied 4354 days ago 1

What has 4 wheels and flies?

The flying car in Harry Potter? :P
Sorry, I forgot the name. :$

askSume replied 4354 days ago