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Thembisa Mbokane


hit me up and you are sure to get your response. Anything goes

43 Replies

does still exist

Well is dead, pretty much

djspitz replied 4481 days ago

How do u feel about women popping 'the will u marry me' question

It would be interesting, wouldn't It? But I still don't think it would go down well. Its difficult for women to ask a dude out as it is, can you imagine em asking for forever, i think most would suffer in their marriage. But personally, i'm cool with it...

djspitz replied 4754 days ago

Dd u hav a 1 nyt stand de weekend of the jazz festival?

absolutely not. I haven't had a one night stand in over 5 years. I'm a good boy like that. I don't even take condoms whenever I go anywhere because I know I won't use them.

djspitz replied 4764 days ago

Joe's father is John. The John is the ....... of Joe's father. Caramel89

Lmao, is this supposed to be a tricky question Caramel ?

djspitz replied 4773 days ago

if id ask u 2 kiss me wud u?

I cant say No, neither would I say yes, it would depend who you are. But I prefer stolen kisses than obvious ones

djspitz replied 4773 days ago

since last did u hv a one nyt stand?

Its been ages Yow. Probably 5 years ago

djspitz replied 4773 days ago

U know ur cute right?

i really appreciate the compliment hey, i wish I knew who its from but thanks lots

djspitz replied 4778 days ago

What wud u do ur gal had 2 use a wheelchair?

I'd push her around and play with her all the time. My last born sis is on a wheelchair, got the softest spot for her

djspitz replied 4778 days ago 2

Summarize your typa woman in three words. MsLyster

humourous, compatible, my type

djspitz replied 4778 days ago

How many rounds do u prefer wen havin *ex

1 round is enough, lol

djspitz replied 4783 days ago 4

Hey T... Wht do u fear mst..?

I copied this from a previous response: Losing somebody I love dearly is what I fear most.

djspitz replied 4785 days ago

Morning handsome. Caramel89

Hello Beautiful, U good ?

djspitz replied 4785 days ago

Would you spend huge amounts of money on a grl u nt tapping or d8ing?
What do u call this?

Spend the money doing what. People spend their money with others to make themselves happy, it has little to do with the next person. This thing of not betting on a horse you don't ride is false. Everybody who bets horses has never ridden the horse they bet on.

djspitz replied 4792 days ago

you are expecting a babby ryt?...yah. now ho is the relatonship with the mother

Its great thank you very much. She'll always be special to me. For also giving me my first born child.

djspitz replied 4792 days ago

You play good music,what is you key in selecting music for your set? sizwesethu

God given taste, research about what people like, personal taste and lastly, for the love of music

djspitz replied 4792 days ago