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Izzy Bowman


Ask me stuff ?

242 Replies

You already have guitar hero live !?!?

Yus :3

miss_izzy replied 3374 days ago

Kill yourself

fck you it's my birthday.

miss_izzy replied 3377 days ago

Harland, Joel. Ash. Guys that started sht that you kept around still. Don't need to answer. Jus calling out your bullsh*t, plus 98% you just said was true. There. Now how about you start admitting things ? Pethetic dude, BMTRYAN

See look at you starting sht again, I cut those ****s off for you mate. But yeah toward the end I let them back in and now I don't talk to them again. I still cut them off for you it was only when you started comparing me to Hannah I let them back in. So how about you start fcking admitting the truth mate you're pure pathetic scum all you do it talk sht and act like the victim. But I guess that's what abusers do. For example husbands that beat their wives use excuses like "she made me mad" sound familiar ?
Go away Ryan I don't want you around and neither does my family who by the way I've told the truth too I don't lie not to anyone I clearly became much better after I had to remove you from my life like you have to move dog sht off a porch cause it clearly won't move itself.

miss_izzy replied 3386 days ago

Ok so it was obvisouly you on my Lol. And next time how about you keep your mouth shut about things that don't concern you. Thanks. Enjoy your abuseive bf man. Your words, not mine :) ✌️ BMTRYAN

You always blame me because you're just a pathetic fck. I left him, I have someone who treats me better than you did mate.

miss_izzy replied 3386 days ago

Oh and to the person on both mine and Ryan's being anon n sht. Kindly fck off neither of us need it all coming back, and you're being a sht stirrer. miss_izzy

End of story.

miss_izzy replied 3387 days ago

1 you know exactly who Jackson is.
2 you told him I said something about Hannah knowin full well he would tell her. I am only asking what it was you said. That's seriously it.

Ryan everyone knows it you get off anon.
And you mean Jack ? (I only know him by his Facebook name )
I told him what you said which was she looks like a witch and she's ugly without make up (your words not mine) pretty sure that's about it now buggar off

miss_izzy replied 3387 days ago

Ryan as in your ex

Look whoever you are I do not care I never want to hear about him again I don't any kind of contact with him, I would have liked to be friends but he cannot even admit what he did to me he just uses excuses like I cheated and I was shady and that I did this and I did that. I never had guys stay over while we were dating I never cheated on him the only time I touched another person was when him and I weren't even talking same goes for having people say over besides my 2 best friends and my party. He knew the passwords to my phone and other devices he looked through them freely when he asked to. I came out of a psych ward happy and getting better and better, so what did he do ? Pulled all that fcking down with the abuse and bullying he fcked me up so godamn badly I still cannot cope and I don't want to know how much worse I would get if he came back into my life. Toward the end he compared me with other girls and somehow expected me to stay, he also seemed to like to pry on other guys gfs. Yes I had exs as friends but that was because we could admit to eachother we didn't love eachother and it just wasn't meant to be and we moved on there were only 2 guys that continued sht and I cut them off for Ryan. I had guy friends the ones I hung out with a lot of never touched in anyway and sure they may have thought about it at some point or maybe they did not I honestly don't know but they never tried anything. Ryan just didn't like the idea of me having guy friends yet I let him prance around with his girl friends whether they had thought about fcking him or not if they tried something it would be a different story but then again he would have told me if they did because it "wasn't important at the time". Ryan is worthless scum and he will remain worthless scum until he can admit all the truth about our relationship to himself. No I was not perfect in the relationship we both had our fair share of sht but he needs to stop acting like the victim and grow up. But at least I can admit the truth.

miss_izzy replied 3387 days ago

Which song describes your mood today ?

I hate everything - three days grace

miss_izzy replied 3387 days ago

Ryan's talking sht again babe. He's so pathetic.

What ?

miss_izzy replied 3390 days ago

"I get hard even when I hear your name"

Omfg xD literally one of the best nights I swear to god

miss_izzy replied 3391 days ago

You still making YouTube videos ?


miss_izzy replied 3391 days ago


He is magic and because there's some beef with jelly people atm but you can inbox me

miss_izzy replied 3391 days ago

Who's the guy in your snap stories ?

He is ultimate Bae :3

miss_izzy replied 3391 days ago

What are you currently worried about ?

That the fcker will keep trying to come back.

miss_izzy replied 3391 days ago

If someone asked for a second chance would you give it to them?

If they prove that they deserve one then I guess so.

miss_izzy replied 3476 days ago