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Ready. Set. Ask

203 Replies

Mis jy my?en waarso is jou , jou ni op jou feed ni

Weet nie wie jy is nie jammer🙈

schoeman_chante replied 1859 days ago

What's something that took you way too long to realize?

If something is meant to be it will happen - don’t force it. If someone wants to be in your life they will.

schoeman_chante replied 1859 days ago

Favourite sport?

I don’t really play sports, I do go to the gym
To watch: rugby or netball

schoeman_chante replied 1859 days ago

Dankie vir die mooi mens wat jy is en dat jy nog nooit my gejudge het oor my storie, jys n wonderlike persoon en soms dink ek mense onderskat jou?

Ek kan presies dieselfde vir jou sê. A friendship with no judgement is a soulship.
Dis ok as mense my onderskat ek verbaas hulle dalk net meer as hulle my leer ken. Ek is so ongelooflik dankbaar en lief vir jou ?

schoeman_chante replied 2279 days ago

Jys sooo mooi ?

Dankie dankie jy is ook n stunner❤️

schoeman_chante replied 2279 days ago

Wie is jou go to✨

Alexis Römer. AKA Soulpancake?

schoeman_chante replied 2279 days ago

hello vreemdeling?
of moet ek se bernarda?
ekt jou inbox vol gemaak en wil net se hoop dit gaan nog goed en dat jy on top of the world is ???
dankie vir jou vriendskap??

Dude. Ek waardeer jou boodskap...
ek is on top of the world met pelle soos jy xx

schoeman_chante replied 2292 days ago

What is the smartest thing you've ever done?

Gave my honest truth and opinion on something✨

schoeman_chante replied 2404 days ago

The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?

Go play outside and go old school❤️

schoeman_chante replied 2536 days ago

Watter event was dit??waars jy op vaca?

My Tannie se 50ste?
Was eers in Kaapstad/ Houtbaai en het gister Mosselbaai toe gekom vir die res van die vakansie?

schoeman_chante replied 2544 days ago

Joh jou recent?

Baie dankie dit was n event☺️❤️

schoeman_chante replied 2544 days ago

Does money have an influence whether you date a guy...?
Does it make a relationship stronger or weaker if he has money?

No, depends on how he uses it?❤️

schoeman_chante replied 2544 days ago

What are you currently worried about?

Firstly,If people have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and that they are ready when Jesus is coming again❤️

And secondly if the weather is going to be nice this upcoming holiday ?

schoeman_chante replied 2550 days ago 1

What will you never ever do again?

Go on a Thailand vacation with my parents ?

schoeman_chante replied 2559 days ago 1

Nog net 16✨ nicola_roux

Whoop whoop
Wel nou is dit 15❤️

schoeman_chante replied 2562 days ago