Kom los net bietjie liefde ♥️
Jy is ñ pragstuk. ?? Bri.gi.do
Fannkkk yoouu sm ??
What made you happy today? 100+
That Sunday plate?
What is the worst text that you accidentally sent to the wrong person?
A looonnnggg happy birthday text??
Kai ?julle maak n mooi couple
Dannnkkiiee Anon??❤
Who's the special person
Names aren't important.. Point is I do?
Anyone special in your life?
You back with Kai?
Who's asking?
What is the one thing you do just to annoy other people?
Not care what they have to say about me?
What are you afraid to admit you don't understand?
I don't know?when I don't get it,I say so.
Why do you keep on running back to the same guy???
Why does it bother you?
What makes you genuinely happy?
God?Friends?Family?Food?And Him❤
Me loves you so so so much Trisi-Anne, though I am employed to annoy and disturb you continuously Mozartina7
My baaabbbyy?
What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?
What is your number one rule?
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me??
What should be free, but isn't?
why are you amazing ?
Because God made me amazing?
Last song you listened to ?
What common thing have you never done?
Smoke cigarettes?
What do you no longer waste time on?
Irrelevant people?
Since '10?
I love you boo❤? ashley.xivii
Since '10 till 'foreves?
I love you too?
Etse Le Beautiful.?
Etse thank you?
What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?
I don't know?Popularity itself
Would you date a black guy?
Sure,why not?
Your weird ?
And thanks?
What do you need to get off your chest right now?
Nothing.I'm good?
Wane kom jle weer na Oom Roderick hle tu Itss.leiiigh
Wanneer ons genooi word?
Will you cook for me every night if we were married
Boy ain't gonna be cooking all day,I ain't your mama?
Is jy in Windhoek
Yes anon?wanna meet up??
What do you never plan on doing?
Commiting suicide?
Tris ❤
Ek kom los maar net bietjie liefde ?? JennW12
Babbbyyy?Dankie man?ILY
What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?
Jyt nxa maniere,ek fav jou.
Geuss who??
Baie dankie anon?
Wil jy myni DM?
What was your biggest waste of money?
I don't know the biggest?I buy unnecessary things all the time???
What's the most expensive thing you own?
I don't know?my laptop maybe
Trislan beautiful and deservent of everything good
Thanks so much anon?
Why you hiding your name though?
What would you do if you had no fear ?
I don't know??
Hi ju dronkie
Lag?eksi n dronkie nie
Carrah❤❤❤❤ilyssssssssssssm ❤?? Lizard10
BabbbbbbyyyyyyBoooooooyyyyy?I loooooooovvvvvveeeee you more?
When were you the most happy and why?
7 years ago?when my mummy was still here?
You're solid gold baby,solid gold?? Aria_smiley
Baaabbbbyyyy?Jys tog n stroop?dankie mahn girlfren?
Why are you single?
I don't know ?
I guess I'm too picky?
Bes'fran or closest friend
I've got 3?
Nicole,Sharelize and Leslie-Ann?
What are you bad at ?
Athletics ??
What do you want the most right now?
Complete happiness?And God's love within me?
Awww?thank you beautiful?
Trislan??❤❤ek kom los bja liefde..miss ju bjabbjabjja?? Lizard10
Ek miss jou netso baie?dankie viri liefde?I love you?My eie Zandro'tjie??
What do you want for your birthday
Food??or anything with my name on?
What is one thing you know if you stopped doing, you would save so much money?
Buying food?Fast food,snacks,desserts,eating out?my weakness??
What could you talk endlessly about?
It depends on who I'm talking to ?
? het (sy) kwa nie haar eie lewe, like omw! En btw sweety ons het "cuz" daaaar in 19-voetsek gelos. 2017 hieso, dis "cause". ?? en nog 'n ding, smak jy dalk nie vir Kai nie? Dink daaraan toe. ?
Yesssss?Thank you?Jys wys mahn?
Yur stupd lov3 lif3 is all ov3r social m3dia..whre else wll I know 4rm
If my love life(which I don't have) is so stupid then why you so interested in it??
Wat verstaan jy kwa ni? I am single?
cuz i want to know if ur a bigger size then me xP
DM me girlfren?
Yu wuld die 4 a fxckboy nd u say I am the stupid 1
WTF..where do you get your information from child?
Where is the craziest place you've ever peed?
Its nat my fault yu lov3 a fxckboy
And it's not my fault you're a nosey stupidass?
Why are you so interested in my business anyway
Yu,Flavia en Britney..who s starter who is main who is dessert????????
None of the above?
I'm not even in a relationship?
Yu in relationshp wth legend who s in relationshp wth Flavia so he a steppapz n u a stepwht?fxck up all of yu
Oh wow?
Listen here my life is none of your business?
And if there's anyone fxcked up it's you?I suggest you get a life and stay out of mine.
You ain't even worth my time?
Mooi meisie ?❤ JennW12
Thank you my beautiful friendo?
What specific thing do you dislike about people?
How fake they can be?
What do you love most about yourself ??
I've never thought about that before?I really don't know.I love me?
Who are you currently ignoring and why?
No one?..Well I think so
We all know you still in love with lelegend. Girl get over it! Can't you see his in love. With or he and flavia.have something going on. Bruh
Person.. If you have so much to say and so much assumptions to make about me why don't you DM me and say it without hiding your name?
S lelegend ur partner
What is something you need to get off your chest?
Thank you Lord for your blessings on me?
What happend to Le' Queen?????
What do you mean?
OG on that beat, OG on that beat, OG on that, OG on that beat. Now slide drop, hit the Le'Queen, Le'Queen, oohh Le'Queen. ?? x_Mona_x
?????that song tho
Why did you and LivingLegend break up??
Long story ?
How much do you have in your bank account ?
Enough ?
Thoughts on LeLegend? ?
A friend.I love and care about ?
Can we pvt chat on app???
Who are you?
What do you think about the most ?
My mother?
Did you ever love someone?
The last lie you told ?
I don't love you