Do the qooh?

115 Replies

Plans for 2018?

Om wel net myself te wees en dit te geniet ? dis cheesy ek weet?

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2551 days ago

This is not a question but a tip: You can put your link on your 24hr whatsapp status to get more questions.


Cate_lyn_mul replied 2590 days ago

I'm very $exy, see annettesk795

Ek is bly jy dink so☝️

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2594 days ago 1

Ek weet nie wat om te doen nie
Ek het my kanse wegegooi ?

God always offers a second chance in life ? onthou net dit hoor

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2597 days ago

If you were on a balcony, looked down and saw a robber dangling by the fingers below you, trying to get up, what would you do?

Wel sal vir hom vra of hy dors is ,want jy sien hy het nou al daai moeite gedoen om op te kom net vir my??‍♀️

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2601 days ago 1

What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?

Wel ek was te haastig en ek dink ek het van die idee gehou van 'n verhouding.

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2626 days ago 1

МУ collectiоn оf hоt vidеos hеrе monica5u218

Nah jy weet my storage is vol

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2627 days ago

Ek ken jou nie, jy lyk na 'n baie baie oulike mens om rondom te wees ☺️

Aww danQ Anoniem? klink ook soos 'n oulike mensie?

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2629 days ago

Why do you think people like/hate you?

Like: want ek is cate en is altyd oorspronklik?
Hate: soms te optimisties?

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2632 days ago 2

The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?

Go on with my life ?

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2636 days ago 1

Waar koop jy jou klere?

Wel H&M , cotton on, factory, mr price, forever new en ja?

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2639 days ago

What's something you fell in love with instantly?


Cate_lyn_mul replied 2641 days ago 1


Hi daar?

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2645 days ago

Ons het nog nie rerig baie gepraat nie - Maar jy lyk soos n baie oulike meisie* ?

Aww baie danQ ?ons moet maar dan meer praat?

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2647 days ago

What are you currently worried about?

My Fisika punte?

Cate_lyn_mul replied 2650 days ago