how long do u take wen ur in de bathroom to finish youngkhuva
I dnt kno
am fallin in love with u. What u say?
really y do u think ur not going?
i jst dnt kno
Y dd U break up wth Ur x, wat actually went wrong who was the problem?
Dear annoy
stop asking me about my past cos i dnt wanna luk bck.
Have you ever thought about 'C.D' (B'berry) in a way you think you like him? Be honest.
ask me inbox i wil tel u
awww...thanx...ugone bho.!! Tiki1
hahaha.iwe ukhala mrs njala .lol. Uyambe ndiwe!ladies first. PROTASIOK
Koma ndiye tipwetekeka nazo2 za ladies 1st... Kodi anayambitsa ndani he?
wtz ur real nem?
Jst because i love my nem amma write down 4 u again PHOEBE ELIFALAH
haha.ndufuna ndigone.bedtime story kaye! PROTASIOK
Am also wait 4 mr njala 2 tel me 1
owo.ndati ndikupempha za agalu ine? PROTASIOK
dissapointed with a guy 2day over his girl friend?
hahaha.nditchoke kuno ndibwere kwanu eti? PROTASIOK
Koma2 Agalu adyakale2... U can come kiki
eh.kuwaphera ufulu afiti.ine ai.angandiweluse.ndi nthawi yawo. PROTASIOK
Man mukuopa ku ziphera nokha ufulu ... Lol!
Ok can u spel d nam of yo guy?
I hv spell t,GOT T?
If u were cleva&smart u cud hv told me 2 write t down 4 u...
hey! Do u feel urself beautiful?
suzandithandiza!ukufuna ndichezere? PROTASIOK
Uchezere basi
Wats ur full name? jus had 2 join th askin ;-)
Phoebe Elifalah
ine kudabwatu. Ndikuthamangsa kae tulo tathawa. PROTASIOK
Hahahaha choka
Hey lolly wea z ur boy f...now?
View ma past Q & A..
nanga zakuti umakhala ku chimwankhunda
Abso tru.. Umati bwanji?
kuteroku umandiitanira kti ndizadye ndi agaluwo?:-( PROTASIOK
Nah ... Wit me
ndizoona zakuti unali ku michiru
Tru dat.
ndinakuwuzapo kti nane ndimaweta zimenezo? PROTASIOK
Mesa panja umadya nawo ...
kdi ukudyeselabe agalu? PROTASIOK
Ngati wamaliza kudya iweyo...ndekuti ndamaliza...lol
kugona.thnkng.mxit.fb.sick. PROTASIOK
Yako ija
why dont u like talking to Henry?
Herny who? Almost every herny i kno i tok 2 dem.
ah.mesa iwenso uyambe. PROTASIOK
Lol! Ait hehe
ndikudikira uyambe.lol PROTASIOK
Pamenepa watani lol
ohh nana what's my
name ohh nana what's
my name?
I didnt miss u ndangokusowa.
Apart 4m me , who else 1nc told u ur beautiful
Ndawaiwala... Thnx tho i also dnt remember who u r.
Bwanji 'C3', boh bo?
Bho! Hw u?
slpng.chtng wit u. PROTASIOK
Panja ndinu a ulesi.
Jst chilln wit u pple n watchn a movie u?
osamangowafufuta mafunso bwa? PROTASIOK
Hahaha sho
iwe ukungoyanga ndi mafunso opepela omwe? PROTASIOK
Akundinyansa anthu enawa . Ayamba za uhule
Do u no dat am in lv wt u
I dnt kno. . .
Is table salt a spice?
Hahahaha yes! Y askn
wandionjeza kwabasi.:-(:-( PROTASIOK
Sowie :D
Tel me the nem of ur guy...
I dnt kno hw 2 write t but i cn spell t 4 u. . .
Do u miss ur bff francis kanje :P
Yes. N he wil alwz b my best frnd forever. My bff t z.
Do u trust ur insticts?
Y askn? :):)
Ah.hun.:-(:-(.do i luk lyk 1 ? PROTASIOK
A big 1. Mr
I am so glad ndinamva your voice lero gud nyt.:-) PROTASIOK
Ine ndinasengula mmimba after hearin yo voice...lol kidn
umazapasana ndi ma ghost? PROTASIOK
U r one of dem ryt..?
kumandinamiza kti subwera.owo PROTASIOK
I jst wantd 2 say gud nyt
Hw far?.,LL,BT o Mz?
Too far 4rm far...
Whr z yo man?
Far 4rm me...
Do u thnk yo beautfl?
Ask God?
ndati eya.kma matama usie. PROTASIOK
Matama i wil try 2 stop
ah.ok.kma matama ai. PROTASIOK
Muguladi koma?
Girl do u av a boyfrnd?
Hw many tyms shud i ans dis question?
ukandisowe iweo.ndakaika.ndupita mtawuni. U? PROTASIOK
Buy me chocolate rounds
Watchu doin? Ndaku missinger
ndikafa uzasangala eti?:-( PROTASIOK
hahahaha.ndakomokatu! PROTASIOK
hahaha.mapazidi ndili nawo.iwe kwacha kale kale! PROTASIOK
Hw z da headch bro?
hun.ndimasana pano!ah. PROTASIOK
Ma pazi ako prota mensa ndi mamawa. Matendawo kapena
Do U have a boifriend?
R u in any rltnshp gal?
R u in any rltnshp?
Wat kind of relationshp do u want 2 kno am in?
ndizatenga cha?
Ndusinza ine!
Gudnyt hun! PROTASIOK
Morning! Zatengeni
iweo zakudya zanga wadya wekha mesa. PROTASIOK
Bwera uzatenge
hahahahahaha.wandionjeza.kuli zakudya zoyera zambalame zija! PROTASIOK
Hahaha eyaka
dear!am hungry!:-( PROTASIOK
Kodi kwanu kuli chilala hun?
chk.iwe nde eish.wokanika. Ndanyanyala. PROTASIOK
Mpaka kunyanyala
hey wots up? how u doing?
Am gud gud n u
do yu like me?
?? Hw cn i like u if i dnt kno who u r...lol
hahaha.bola.mafunso ako ndayankha2. PROTASIOK
Eya. Watup
wah duz jerseygal min? nickoo
Ts jst a show jerseylicious n i lyk t.
haha.mesa ndakuuza kumene ndili. Iwe ukuta? PROTASIOK
Getn ready 2 go in town
bobo chk.
Bho. Wat r u up2?
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
Am an indian jst becz of my nem
Who are you dating currently
U kno
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Crazy, friendly, crazy