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83 Replies

As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?

Liars, shamers, feminists, and SJWs

SkeetSkeet replied 2601 days ago


Don't we all?

SkeetSkeet replied 2606 days ago

Here is a question? Have you ever been to the Hawaiian Islands? Any of them?

No, I'm too poor for that. D;

SkeetSkeet replied 2608 days ago

Who's your favorite dad? nightmarex

/Hugs.; YOU.<3 Can I have a 20 pleaseeee?

SkeetSkeet replied 2608 days ago 1 2

Just saying you don't know me or how I feel or felt. Keep my damn name out of your mouth. JerseySpitfire

Lmfao. Terrifying. Besides, I was only stating what happened. Because YOU happened to be in the situation, Babe. Don't get your panties caught in your cooch.

SkeetSkeet replied 2608 days ago 1

Would ya ever go scuba diving? TheeJ

Ye, only if my pops pays for it.<3

SkeetSkeet replied 2609 days ago

American Psycho, ya like that movie? TheeJ

LOVE that movie.

SkeetSkeet replied 2609 days ago

Hamburgers or hot dogs? TheeJ

Chicken sandwiches*

SkeetSkeet replied 2609 days ago

Tell your friends this DILF is taken. TheeJ

Lmao. It won't stop them from looking.

SkeetSkeet replied 2609 days ago

Lube or no lube? TheeJ

Depends on the person. lmao

SkeetSkeet replied 2609 days ago

How do people NOT get pink eye if somebody farts next to them? There is obviously sht particles in the air. TheeJ

Because it has to directly go into your eye. Lol

SkeetSkeet replied 2609 days ago

Wanna have a match sometime? TheeJ

Of course! Would Gladly kick your A$$.<3

SkeetSkeet replied 2609 days ago

How do you get all the creeps? BurnItDownxx

I think it's because I'm very comfortable about with talking about $ex and doing it. Or I'm just one of those lucky few that has to deal with them.

SkeetSkeet replied 2610 days ago

Can't be too bad. You have been conversing with me on and off for days.

This is probably going to happen: Whenever you decide to show your face, I'll be like:" Omg it's you" Talk to you for like 2 days(Maybe) and then I'll stop replying. But Until then, I'm bored and have no one to reply to. So.

SkeetSkeet replied 2612 days ago

No. I'm not this Orton you speak of. I don't have a page right now, not since deleting my last one.

Right, like that isn't creepy.

SkeetSkeet replied 2612 days ago