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King Brat.


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105 Replies

If you could eliminate one holiday what would it be? livia_munnshine

Christmas because I have a lot bad memories associated with it...

theKINGNeville replied 2639 days ago 2

Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?

I'm good at a lot of things. ;)

Wrestling...obviously., eating, dancing, drunk karaoke, doing flips, being a spoiled brat, playing video games and playing soccer.

theKINGNeville replied 2688 days ago 5

What misconception about you would you like to clear up ?

That even though I play the role of a heel/villain inside of a wrestling ring - I'm actually one of the hardest working, sweetest guys you'll ever meet and those closest to me can tell you the same thing.

theKINGNeville replied 2692 days ago 1

When is the King returning? I'm quite tired of Enzo and Kalisto. blondebombscare

Right now, I'm taking a break and some much needed time to focus on myself and get back to the best version of myself I can be. But I promise, that this isn't the last time that you'll see the King of the Cruiserweights in a WWE ring.

theKINGNeville replied 2692 days ago 2

I MISS YO FACE, btch. EmperorEdgelord



theKINGNeville replied 2694 days ago 1

What's your favorite restaurant to eat at on the road?

Anything Mexican. I LOVE Taco Bell and Chipotle.

And also McDonald's because me and my McNugget Buddy, Ary eat there all of the time. Lmao.

theKINGNeville replied 2697 days ago 1

Starbucks, Tim Horton's or Dunkin Donuts?

Starbucks all the way.

theKINGNeville replied 2697 days ago 1

Like Status.
Leave. <3 EmperorEdgelord

And there's Tommy again for the win. <3

theKINGNeville replied 2697 days ago 1 2

Favorite drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic?

My favorite alcoholic drinks are Jack Daniels, tequila, beer, sometimes wine, scotch and rum.

My favorite non-alcoholic drinks are coffee, tea (Well, I am British after all. :P Lmao.), orange juice, milk, energy drinks, soda and cranberry juice.

theKINGNeville replied 2697 days ago

Favorite kinds of candy?

Reese's Peanut Butter cups, Sour Patch Kids, Skittles, Snickers, Kit Kat, Twix, Butterfinger and Starburst.

As you can obviously tell, I have a HUGE sweet tooth. Lmao.

theKINGNeville replied 2697 days ago 1

What's your favorite and least favorite holiday?

My favorite holiday is Halloween. I'm absolutely obsessed with everything about Halloween and the fall/autumn season.

My least favorite holiday is Christmas, only because I have some bittersweet memories from that time of year.

theKINGNeville replied 2697 days ago 1

Favorite sports/activities, besides wrestling?

My favorite sports are soccer, hockey and football.

My favorite activities to do are working out, playing video games, roller skating, drunk karaoke (or honestly anything drunk because it's more fun. :P), dancing and eating, lots of eating. ;)

theKINGNeville replied 2697 days ago

I've been into you for a really long time but you won't even give me a chance and talk to me.

Who is this?
Also, I'm sorry and maybe we can change that?
But honestly, I'm not that great really. You'll just get sick of my sht and leave. Lmao. I wouldn't even blame you if you did...

theKINGNeville replied 2697 days ago

Your turn, name your top bands! EmperorEdgelord

Oh my God, this is gonna be such a long list so I hope y'all are ready. Lmao.
Anyways, in no particular order here are my favorite bands.

- Rush
- Tool/A Perfect Circle
- Asking Alexandria
- Led Zeppelin
- Metallica
- Avenged Sevenfold
- Deftones
- King Crimson
- Atreyu
- Opeth
- Muse
- Veil of Maya
- Periphery

theKINGNeville replied 2698 days ago 3

Rush or King Crimson?! EmperorEdgelord

Damn, this is such a tough question!

Ummm, both? LMAO.
But seriously though I love both hands, but I'll go with King Crimson.

theKINGNeville replied 2698 days ago 1